Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Week 12

Here is my week 12!

I keep looking for trends, habits and weekly rituals that I use in making my planner pages. Sort of as an opportunity to figure out how I 'tick'. Everyone uses these DIYFish inserts differently! I love that. I see some people 'plan' with them. I see some use them as they 'journal' through their week. And some people who do a bit of both! I'm noticing that I'm a bit of both!
I can't seem to get through the week without decorating! I MUST have color!

It's been a constant since I discovered these pages to chart my progress with my diabetes and blood sugar levels in the bottom left corner. Lately I have taken to writing down some of the things I'm eating during the day. I do use an app on my iPhone for keeping track of my actual carb intake and exercise regime. But! I wish I could remember to write it all down. It's just not practical for me to yank out the planner, sweaty palms and all after I've run for an hour on the treadmill. lol. 

Consistently using the bottom right 'box' on the right page for a quote or an inspiring thought. I also use it for doodles. Some days at work I spend a lot of time waiting on hold on the phone. This is a GREAT time to doodle! I encourage people to look up pictures or doodles that you'd like to learn how to create or draw better and do this while you're on the phone or talking to someone. Obviously this day I used a post it...and didn't draw...but how inspirational am I? :D 

My long box on the left page/right side with the numbered times is my bullet journaling! I think I am utilizing this as a bullet journal section. I write what I did with an asterisk * and make check boxes for things I plan on during that time/hour of the day. I also use stars as an indicator of something I wish to keep and color code. I am still quite horrible about color coding my day...but I'm hoping the stars will help me when I go back to reference and color code for the week. 

Top 'box' on the right page/right side is my daily 'TO DO' list. I seldom do everything on this list! haha! In fact it's mostly just a wish list. Like, Sarah, you wish you could do all this! haha. I did pretty good on Thursday though! I was definitely Superwoman that day. Geeze. Good job Me. 

The top left box on the left page/left side is for quote/weather/mood. Sometimes I cover up the weather and mood if my quote is longer. I will sometimes use this space as a list section. List of things I love, books I should read, things I'm grateful for etc...and sometimes I just tape in a quote! 

I have really been focused on using my planner as a dieting tool. It goes with me everywhere! I write all my important secrets and plans in it! Why not utilize it as such? So, I'm working on adding a DIYFish insert section for my diet/fitness plans. 

And on that note, I have almost strictly starting using my Malden for ONLY DIYFish inserts. I still have my A-Z sections, but eventually whatever information I have in there filters it's way into a daily page, then it's logged into the color code section and then filed away for reference later if I need it. I have been using Evernote to keep information that I need to keep an eye on for daily/weekly references. Needless to say, that using these inserts does make your Filofax bulky...however, I don't need extra sections with me ALL the time because I can file them away under older pages with my color coding to find later should I need them. 

The only thing I'm feeling like I 'need' is the fitness section. But, I made the finance section work using my DIYFish inserts, so I'm sure I can make a fitness section work out too. :) 

So stay tuned for that!

Peace Love Plan Ahead!


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