Sunday, March 22, 2015

Listed again

  1. Lists always do it best.
  2. Sometimes when I call people I will say to them, "Okay...Three things! Then I list what I need to discuss. I say, "Okay, number one..." 
  3. The discovery has been made that I am a Personal size 6 ring binder kind of planner person. I have tried Arc, Midori's, A5 size etc...and I always come back to my ochre Malden or my black Van Der Spek. ALWAYS. It's like that song "Gravity" by Sara Bareilles. Something always brings me back to you personal size!! It never takes tooooo looong! 
  4. I fell down the stairs like an old person. And now I know WHY old people are so cautious. I feel so cautious all the time. I worry about myself falling down the stairs and now I remind everyone I know to be careful going down the stairs. 
  5. You're looking at a college student....I officially joined the college rat race and I am going to start back to getting my bachelor's degree this summer. 
  6. I am also certifiably crazy. As where the fuck am I going to find the time??? 
  7. There is a lot of official-ness going on around here because I am officially tired of my teenagers. I was never tired of my kids...but they somehow have all grown into teens and they're SOOOOOOOOOO annoying. (if you wonder where I got this phrase, ask my teenagers!) 
  8. My hair is really long. I want to cut it...but I can't get a hold of my hairdresser. The fact that I am tempted to go Oasis Hair should show you that I feel desperate about it. This is a bad decision and though I verbally express that it is a bad decision, I still may go to Oasis Hair. 
  9. Our house has a new member named Dixon....a lovely little Corgi puppy! He's going on 12 weeks now and he makes me appreciate my 8 year old sedate chihuahua. lol. 

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