Monday, March 30, 2015

Werk it...haaaayyy, werrrrk it!

I am going to try my hand at HABITS.
You are so lucky because one of the things I want to make a habit, is journaling/blogging! You get to reap the benefit of that! haha.

After doing a lot of reading and researching, I decided to just to commit to 30 days of writing. So some of that will be on my blog and some of that will be in my journal. I haven't decided if I will share what I write in my journal YET, but either way, some blogging in a month is better than none!

Something I have really been hit in the head with is Habits. Creating habits, what is a habit, how to manage habits, break habits etc... I found a really good article from Lifehack about creating new habits. I managed to put it in my April monthly page.

My "plan" is to create new habits and routines for myself. I usually have a 'to do' section for the month of things I perpetually forget to do and they float from month to month. You can see here I have my notes on Goals and Habits, then my To Do's and the bottom corner is just a check list of Habits I want. I LOVE checklists, and will almost always complete a task if I have the power of that little box by my note! 

Part of my habits for this month is to check in daily with my planner to keep track of things. I use my monthly calendar in DIYFISH to track stuff. Track bills(when they are due and if I paid them. and right now..I also keep track of missed school days for the monster spawn. haha 

This side of the monthly calendar is the planning side. As in planned events. I will put some 'todos' in this section if they are SUPER important and need to be attended on specific days, but generally will only put holidays and events and appointments here. 

We'll check in with all this at the end of the month. The very first note in my list of tips to creating a new habit is "Commit to 30 days." So here you have it. 30 days of following me and my new habits! 


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