Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Review

  • I was promoted at work. Which basically means I work more for the same pay...with a different title to my job.
  • My kids and Chris finally get along symbiotically. I wrote earlier this year that they were all driving me crazy with their reactions to each other. This has since worked itself out. 
  • I am becoming better friends with my ex-husband. We have so much history and obviously share children. At a recent sit-down I looked into his eyes and...something happened. He isn't a monster. He isn't my stupid ex-husband. He is a person. I will make him my friend if it's the last thing I do! Things are much better here. 
  • My family is still relatively healthy. My sister is struggling with certain addictions still and my brother still has lung disease issues, but they are no longer life I'm glad for that. 
  • Somehow I still have friends even though I am obsessed with my family and myself. There are still people who love me and find the time to hang out with me. Even though my best friend Christian moved to Wisconsin for a job I have seen her like 3 times this year. 
  • We lent our van Trusty to my parents and bought me a commuter car out of pocket. I never thought I would be able to afford to buy a car out of pocket, but we financially..things are FINALLY looking up. :) 

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