Even if I don't plan anything...or *gasp* don't use my planner every day, I still decorate and will include it in my week. Some days I simply don't have anything to do...or it's nothing SUPER pressing, so I don't need to write stuff down. I could use it as a diary I guess and log my day, but some days I don't feel like it.

I'm still working on my water intake. However, I have read some articles that show that I do get plenty of fluids in the day! I just don't count them simply because they're not water. I do try for that 8 glasses, but I drink other things like tea and coffee and they count as fluids. I'm pretty sure I'm well hydrated by how much I have to pee. LOL.

I liked this day. I had time to think and doodle. And look on the righty hand side there! I color coded!! Go Team Wayword! haha.

I decided this day to start a 5k running program. I officially started yesterday, but having it written down in my planner has kept me accountable to actually starting!

I included in my week, my medication intake. I take my medicine twice a day, and I fill the little needle up half way for the morning doses, and fill it all the way up for the evening! I NEVER forget my medication. Like ever ever. But, I do forget to fill in my little needle showing that I remembered. Have to work on that!
I visited my mom this day. As well as went to the doctor. Nothing extraordinary happened really...Well, stuff DID happen. But nothing that I logged. There are a few medical issues I should probably write down on this day just to remind myself of when those occurred. And maybe subconciously I didn't want to ruin the beauty of the SUPER CUTE CLOUD WASHI TAPE!!! I got it from Joann's and was dying to use it. I did...but then I didn't write in it. Go figure.

I menu planned this day and ran some errands. I played video games, ate food and basically layed around at my house. But, again, nothing that I had to write down. I like that about my planner. Some days it's my right arm and my left brain. Then other days, we chill. We chill because we're like that.

Here is my life mapped out for the day, week and month of February 2014! This is what I love about the DIYFish inserts. So many many many things you can do and record. Okay, until next week!
-Peace Love Plan Ahead!
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