Sunday, September 14, 2014

Arc Madness

According to my arc planner group, I have been going 'arc raving mad'. I am a big fan of Staples line of notebooks. I am still using a ring bound planner for my all the time every day stuff. But for some of the other planners I have in my life, I am using the Arc notebooks. I do recommend these as an inexpensive option to ring-bound planners. 

Last year I was completely overwhelmed with paperwork, information and flyers from my kids' schools. This year, I was prepared with three Arc notebooks for each of my children. I keep a yearly calendar in each notebook along with school information and I punch any flyers or notes from teachers to keep inside. I'll post in more detail about these later. 

My favorite feature about the Arc notebooks is the sizes! They have a large notebook size, which takes the letter size papers 8.5 x 11" and a half sized notebook which is 5.5 x 8.5. This is my half size meal planner. I have been keeping sale ads, coupons, food budgets, menus and my grocery lists in this notebook. Our food bill averaged about $550 a month for the 5 of us. Using this notebook for the last three months, has brought our food bill down to $450 a month instead. 

Upon scouring the internet for printables for a menu and a complimentary grocery list...I just made my own using Word. I am really careful with my ink supply and my printer use! I love pretty colorful rainbowy pages. However, I am printing pages daily and I can't afford the cost of colorful pages. So here we are. :) 

This post is really my attempt to start posting more frequently. I have been MIA for a while. I get really busy with work and family. But, sharing my planner and different ideas for the home is important to me and I want to try to keep up with this. 


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