Monday, April 22, 2013

Pepperoni pizza burgers

I think one theme I would like for my blog is making good dinners when you have very little time. I am always on the hunt for new, different and kid friendly meals...while keeping 40 hours at work. :) There is alot of inspiration to be had online! So many blogs, so much FOOD!! I look to Pioneer Woman for savory, home cooked meals. She made pepperoni pizza I made Chris grill them. haha.

I did help a little. I mixed 1/2 pound of italian sausage with a pound and a half of ground beef with some italian seasoning. I did not partake in the "squishing" that Ms. PWspeaks of. But,I mixed it all up really really really well. 

Then comes the decorating of the meat! We put provolone and pepperonis on ours. 

I took extra steps and toasted the buns in my cast iron skillet. I LOVED toasting them! However, I have the horrible habit of cooking everything on a very high heat. So I almost burned the buns. But, I didn't. :) 

Here is the finished product! We added prego sauce on the toasted buns. It really added to the pizza flavoring! So I'm glad I added it, even though I was apprehensive. I was especially glad I toasted the buns, being toasted they didn't soak up the sauce.

Overall, we will probably have these burgers again. Dan gave it 3 1/2stars out of 5. Chris, Kaitlyn and I gave it a 4. :) Jolie didn't vote because she's vegetarian...and only ate fries and a peanut butter sandwich. I think in the future I could prep the patties ahead of time. But, overall...this meal took less than 30 minutes from start to finish. 


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