Thursday, August 22, 2013

The beeze

Here is my favorite bento box. I splurged a good amount of money for this sucker. However, another idea behind bento is that you love the person you're creating the food for...and I totally LOVE me. Lol 

It's a very sturdy box, it seals really well so things stay fresh inside. I don't refrigerate after I make my bentos. I have been really careful to wash all my food and pack meat/items that won't spoil at room temperature. This box is also microwaveable! Tote adorez that!! 

My lunch is peaches & blueberries, tomatoes to go with my bacon sandwich! And cheese, crackers and broccoli for a snack. 

It's a pretty big box. I have a hard time eating the whole thing in one sitting. 

Anyway! High Ho! 

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