Saturday, September 14, 2013

My week!

So this week...last the week before it was very busy. I managed to get through with minimal stress by PLANNING! Plan, plan, plan. 
I have always believed that there are two kinds of people in this world...
1. Planners! People who enjoy planning their days, their meals, their careers, their lives. They anticipate knowing what will happen because they 'planned' it. 
Then, you have the 2nd sort of people in the world...
2. Pantsers. That's right Pantsers. People who go through life by the seat of their pants. They don't plan, they don't anticipate the days...they just fly by the seat of their pants and takes what comes.

I am an out and out Pantser. I live my life like that...I do things on a whim and at my leisure. However, I believe I'm a closet Planner. I like having things scheduled and set to a certain time frame. It's been a recent discovery that as a mom of three growing up kiddos, a full time husband and a forty hour work week...I need to get out of the closet and plan, plan, plan. 

First is food...Being the main cook and cleaner at my house makes me super important! I love being important. My week turned out fabulous by my planning this whole last week's lunch and dinner menu on Sunday. I started Monday out with a bang! And, I was off making yummy, delicious things to eat. 

Ok..I didn't make this. I introduced the Mister to sushi. Since then, he's a crazy man. He wants sushi once a week at least! He took me to a local sushi restaurant and I had a tower of tuna. Looks pretty epic. 

Here is one of this week's bento's! For the most part, I have to make four bento boxes for myself, D, K and J. Making four isn't that much harder than one...or so it seems. I am not very fancy with my bentos....and I think I'm giving the kids a good balance of healthy and edible food. I am still learning what foods work best in a bento..and I'm also learning how to pack a bento! Overall, this week went very well since I had the menu planned and the food prepped as much as I could ahead of time. 

Equally important as my dinner time. We always sit together at the table to eat dinner. It's a good time to catch up and talk about our day. My kiddos will say this is the highlight of their day. Part of it is because I am actually cooking now and not just serving canned and frozen it's delicious! But, they love talking about what has gone on in our day apart. I planned a WHOLE week of recipes that I found on the Pioneer Woman's website. Above is pictured...beef fajitas. I haven't ever had them...except for when I put them on the menu! They were SO fabulous. And I had never tried queso fresca cheese...super good. It was a really good week because I picked recipes/food we had never tried before. 

The things you can't always plan is how you might have spoiled your kids! My daughters..God bless them; are really spoiled at times. They are beautiful for starters...they get amazing grades and are anything academic. However, they have horrible attitudes about losing when it comes to a game. You can see the aftermath of a friendly, non competitive game of bowling...they were not happy! haha. So their dad and I decided to finally MAKE them choose a sport. We don't really make our girls do anything they aren't gung-ho about; but we felt like it was time for them to be a little uncomfortable. 

Jolie joined soccer! She's doing pretty well. It's kind of hard for her to do this sport because most of the girls who are competing now have been playing for years, and she is just starting. But, she's doing great! And even though we had a lot of grumpy faces and tears the first few practices and games, her attitude is so much better. Kaitlyn has started swimming lessons and has decided she didn't like them. So, we're working on that. She will have to get over the 'hump' of growing pains when it comes to learning a new sport too.

My week has gone well thanks to meal planning and reminding myself of events using my planner. Here is my next week's menu on 2 pages. I haven't bought any refills or extra papers for my planner aside from the ones I had gotten with the planner. So, I'm decorating as I go..and I'm a total beginner when it comes to planning. I mean, I just stepped out of the closet and started planning! It's a work in progress to know what works for me and what doesn't.

I already know that I want a bigger planner. I also already know that I want it to be a genuine FILOFAX. I love my little guy right now, but I would LOVE a Filofax! It's already on my birthday list. I hope I get one! 

Okay, this post is really long and I suppose I should go. 


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