Sunday, September 8, 2013

None for Gretchen Weiners. Bye.

  • I love shopping. Even if it's just for groceries! 
  • Been planning a lot of my meals and making bento lunches every single day this week. 
  • Food is a lot like art lately. 
  • Doing a lot of quick knitted projects for work. We're having a silent auction and I have no real items to I'm donating hand knit things like coasters, cup sleeves etc... I wish I had started working on it earlier...I'll only have about a dozen items to donate...oh well!
  • I used a lot of ellipsis' in the last sentence. 
  • Watched the Patriot with Mel Gibson in it for the first time today. It was SO SAD! Most of the people who really know me, told me to not watch it. But I did anyway and now I wish I hadn't! 
  • My planner is becoming my new best friend. It's so freaking helpful. I am a writer thru and thru! My best functioning self is the self that can write to myself to remind me to not forget every single thing I need to remember. :P
  • Jolie is in soccer. That's about 8 hours of my week. Seriously! It's crazy times. Probably why I have been knitting more. 
  • Kaitlyn will soon be in swimming lessons. I am an insane freaky mom. 
  • Daniel is in band, jazz band, and football. He's crazier than me. Looking over all this I realize we're so busy. 
  • Work is okay. 

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