Friday, September 6, 2013

So so so busy!

It seems like school started with a bang and we're so somewhere. Lol. Life has just been so busy! Between working, school, the kiddos and their after school stuff....tsk tsk! 

This week I have been attempting to focus on good things. Good thoughts for me and good thoughts towards others. This involves work, home, and the drive home!! I am polite, cheerful and encouraging at work. I make all efforts to be kind and respectful at home, especially to my husband and kids. Then there's the road rage...which is getting better! 
In my personal achievements, I was able to hang out with my ex and his wife(think slutty ex-best friend that wasn't) without harming anyone! I am so proud of me! In my mind I literally can't stand her or her character...ugh! But, I did. I talked nicely and behaved like an adult!! Go figure!! 

It must be my diet! Speaking of which...
Our bento has ben going well. I'm liking the process. It's hard to think of food my kids will eat and food that will taste good cold. For now, they mostly eat raw veggies and fruit. But, I'm working towards better bento! 

All in all, in spite of how busy I am, I am managing life pretty well *knocks on wood*. 

Hope you are too!


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