Sunday, September 29, 2013

This girl is on fire!

This week's menu! I went ahead and divided my pages into lunch/dinner and I decorated my shopping list sheet as well! It's sort of a 'cheat' week as I am making more prepared/frozen foods than I normally do. It's partly because I have a really hectic schedule with work and it's partly because I am trying to cut back on our expenses as far as food goes. We don't spend very much on food compared to most families I'm guessing? We don't have our kids two of the seven days in the week, so that helps with costs. But, we're headed into the winter months and for us...the most expensive part of our year. It's birthdays and holidays, so I am trying to buffer as much as possible ahead of time! 

I had my planner opened up at the store and a lady stopped and said, "Oh my! What a gorgeous way to do your grocery shopping! You're so organized!" I immediately puffed up with pride and pointed at my Filofax and I was like..."it's my Filofax!" as if I'm saying, "It's my spinach! I'm Popeye the Sailor Man!" haha. 

On top of that, I still have to decorate my week...and I'm excited for that because it's my FIRST real decorate week ON Filofax inserts! (Not the homemade ones I have been using.) I am planning on looking around for more printables...I just haven't gotten around to it. Guess I should plan that out using my Domino! Yeah Buddy! 

Anyway, my life is becoming seemingly less stressful. I know what is coming up and I am getting better at planning what needs to be done and not over doing it by saying 'yes' to things I do not have time for. This girl is totally on fire this week. :) 


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