Sunday, September 22, 2013

Call me chicken!

You can just call me a chicken with it's head cut off. I am literally spinning with all the stuff I have to do. It's been said that I thrive on stress, pressure, deadlines and looming impending doom...and that is probably a true statement!

Last week didn't go so well. I literally just went by the seat of my pants. I had some of my week planned out as far as schedules go, but I hadn't really worked out a good system for any of the things I needed to remember to do. So a few things fell by the wayside.

My mind cannot stop thinking about buying myself a real Filofax. It's such a great cost! And my brain cannot fathom buying a book (abeit an AMAZING book) for $100ish smackaroos! But, I want one so bad. So SO bad. But, I love planning and writing my schedule down. It's like I'm carrying all these words and reminders around in my head and I need to let it all out in one spot. My phone simply doesn't cut the mustard. It's difficult for me to text everything in that I need to. I get distracted the moment I turn it on and forget what I was scheduling!

So I did what any person in their right mind would do. I ordered a basic Domino Filofax! It's not real leather, but it has the elements that I'm wanting to get started. The price was not much more than I paid for my day timer. Part of me realizes that I am buying a name, but so many people love this product that I must see what the hype is for myself. Of course, I went the inexpensive route too; in part because I want to make sure I am staying on board with my obsessive planning, as well as giving Filofax a chance to win me over. (Who am I kidding?!)

I ordered from at the recommendation of the Filofaxtory. (Not linked because I'm on my phone!) 
The waiting is going to kill me I know it. :) 
Anyway, not to sound like a broken record, but I have things to do and places to be! So I'll be out now! Have a killer day. 


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