Sunday, September 22, 2013

This week on:

My lunch/dinner menu for the week. When I make my layout for next week I'll divide the page in half as I always like to keep both lunch and dinner menus on the same page for a quick look.
The top is dinner. (Monday and Wednesdays are always a hot sandwich night due to late football, soccer and XCountry practices!)

The bottom is bento for the week. I always eat what they eat, so I plan what I would like to eat, not just what I think they'll eat. Jolie is such a picky eater. I have a hard time getting her to eat anything...but it's a work in progress! I will cater to what fruits and veggies they like, they all love cucumber, but only two like carrots. Only one of them likes strawberries! And everyone loves anything chicken or deli meat in their bento! 
It's true that making bento for your kids means you love them...because its time consuming. However I like knowing what they're eating and I enjoy the fact that they get a surprise almost every day. 


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