Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Documented Life Project

I joined The Documented Life Project on Facebook. It's hosted by a circle of friends from Art To The 5th. It's supposed to be a Moleskine planner/journal, but as I already use a Filofax for my planner I will be using it as an art journal. I added some "tip ins" or extra pages using washi tape and some 90lb mixed media paper. It made my Moleskine into a FATTY! 

Don't they look cute together? 

I have not created anything art/collage-wise since 2007. Something was lost then...but I found it today! The first day of this new year. Yeah buddy!  I had a lot of fun just letting go and painting and stamping and sticking and more painting. 
I noticed people picking a word for the year. I have no idea what that's about! It's a guess that it's a word that inspires you. I dislike being defined by any ONE word, especially for a whole year! But to start, I really like the word "unwritten". So I added that element. 

My thoughts lately have been on love. How to love people. Why I should love people. What does it mean to love people. I have been really irritated with family I have on Facebook that claim to be Christian people and spew so much gay hate and muslim hate and hate hate hate. It's inspired me to love love love. and more love. It should also be noted that during my layering process I really hated the way the cover looked. I hated the color, hated the shades and the shapes I was making. I kept at it and kept working it until it finally became pleasant again. Reminded me of my relationships with my family and loved ones. Sometimes they're ugly and not fun...but keep at them and they become lovely again once you work through the hard stuff. 

Art is such a relief. It gets all of "it" out of you. Whatever "it" looks better and feels better out on a page. :) 


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