Sunday, December 29, 2013


  • I can't think of any good resolutions other than the old ones that I've made, but haven't kept. 
  • Recovering from a really bad flu. It was a good flu in that I lost 6lbs. I know about 4lbs of that is probably water, but hey! That is good news. hehe
  • Watching movies/tv shows have kept me occupied while I've been sick. However, I only pay really close attention when they show a binder or a planner. Then I pause and (zoom in if it's Netflix) contemplate what planner brand it is. It caught my eye that Robin from "Sister Wives" uses a Kate Spade! 
  • I think if I keep any resolutions this year they will be the ones that involve documenting my year, yarn, weight loss and planning/organizing. Those seem to be the most important. 

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