Monday, November 25, 2013


•I like it cold at night when I'm sleeping. But I need it to be warm to get out of bed.
•I feel burned out with bento. Plus. It's so hard for my girls to bring their bentos home from school. 
•Thanksgiving is in three days and I don't have a turkey yet! ...or anything! 
•I feel lost today as I don't have a planner/plan for the week. I shouldn't have moved from my domino without having my Original ready to go. Noted! 
•This is my second year to no do Nanowrimo. :-( 
•I'm so freaking in love with my husband. My heart has that achy hurty happy feeling to it. I still find it strange that I feel so strongly after these three years. 
•I've lost 4lbs in the last month. Yay me! I am only watching my portions. Not really saying no to anything. 
•Birthdays are over. Thank goodness! Glad I have so many children to celebrate...but it kills our bank. Lol
•And lastly, a quote. 
Not sure of the source. Someone sent it to me via text. :-) -source, the Interweb. 

Wayword out!

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